LuresUK Big Bait 160F! One night, I tried practicing with a big bait. The rod I used was the MC Works WB109HR / B. (Sorry... it's obsolete... 2021.11.27Lures
LuresFEED.SHALLOW 155F ! Lure painting? That's very interesting. Well! It's an amateur additive paint job, but... But that's the fun of it... 2021.11.27Lures
LuresKONOSHIRO PENCIL! The "KONOSHIRO PENCIL 185F" is a big plug sold by Shimano. Shimano SHIMANO Exsense Konoshiro Pencil 185F... 2021.11.27Lures
LuresSILENT ASSASSIN 140F! (Lipless version) Masaya Onuma posts videos on YouTube (on a regular basis). "Onuman's Sea Bass School" Onuman ch. In... 2021.11.27Lures
CastingBait Casting Reel Long Cast (Sportscasting) ! Part 5 Applying exercise to casting…the trial and error continues. In this article, we will continue with the action of... 2021.11.17Casting