Bait rodBRIST VENDAVAL 10.1M ! Part 2 With the weather finally warming up recently, I was able to throw lures to my heart's content with the BRIST VENDAVAL 1... 2022.03.07Bait rod
Bait rodEARLY for Surf 105MMH/B (LRV Guide Specification)! Part 2 I used "EARLY for Surf 105MMH/B" (LRV guide specification) for the first time last time. Since I bought the (nor... 2021.07.01Bait rod
Baitcasting ReelEXSENCE DC XG (Kai) Recently, under the influence of Fishman "Noriyuki Kanmiya", "ZILLION TW HD" is liked and finished ... Practice is only... 2020.12.25Baitcasting Reel
Baitcasting ReelANTARES DC? EXSENSE DC? ANTARES DC MD? Suddenly, which of "ANTARES DC", "EXENSE DC", or "ANTARES DC MD" are you using? Or which one do you think is better? ... 2019.11.10Baitcasting Reel