CastingBait Casting Reel Long Cast (Sportscasting) ! Part 4 I've improved my swing better than before, but I feel a little muscle aches with training with tools and actual cast pra... 2021.10.25Casting
CastingNoriyuki Kanmiya (Fishman) ! Introduction When I first became interested in bait reels (using PE line) and started using them for saltwater fishi... 2021.10.14CastingMaster
CastingBait Casting Reel Long Cast (Sportscasting) ! Part 3 The speed of the swing is gradually increasing … (The wind noise has changed), I feel that my swing has improved a bit.... 2021.10.12Casting
CastingBait Casting Reel Long Cast (Sportscasting) ! Part 2 Lately, I've been thinking that sports and casting may have more in many common than you might think. I want to impr... 2021.10.03Casting
CastingBait Casting Reel Long Cast (Sportscasting) ! Last time I talked about "sports swing", I ended up in the middle… I am very unwilling to do so again, but I will end i... 2021.09.22Casting
CastingYuki Inoue (JUMPRIZE)! In an aim to further improve the cast, I check the net & YouTube every day. So…I thought I had already read thro... 2021.08.30CastingMaster
MasterJunichi Numata (PALMS)! revision Light shore jigging! You might think that just throwing a metal jig is all you need to do, but the truth is that there ... 2021.08.18MasterSpinning rod
CastingBait Reel Casting (Full Swing)! Part 3/Casting Summary As before… (aiming for the ideal method), I will discuss "long casting with a bait reel". In case you were wondering... 2021.08.14Casting
CastingBait Reel Casting (Full Swing)! Part 2 The world of casting (swinging) is so deep that it cannot be fully described in the previous article. (Do you watch ... 2021.08.07Casting
CastingBait Reel Casting (Full Swing)! The issue that I'm most interested in… and doing my best to address! It's... Learn to make long casts with bai... 2021.07.23CastingMaster