For the “CAST’IZM Series“, Mr. Murakosi Seikai focused on “casting rods” and developed rods that can be used for lure fishing and bait fishing while taking advantage of the attractiveness of the materials.

キャスティズム (ロッド)|DAIWA(ダイワ)
By the way, this is the second generation now.
HVF nano-blanks, X45, titanium guides, V-joint… and 100g lighter than other casting rods.
My CAST’IZM 18-345・R” (LRV guide specification) is a modified version of “Castism 18-345・R” as a bait rod.
All guides have been replaced with titanium torzite LRV guides (some RV guides).
Outstanding long throwing performance and power, yet flexible
Its length (11.5 ft.) can be used to its fullest when handling lures or lifting fish on rocky shore or bank, as it does not bend softly like a sea bass rod.